Nanocapacitor for energy storage

Current work explores the fabrication of semiconductor nanostructures, known as Supercapacitors, Ultracapacitors or Electrochemical capacitors, for photovoltaics and energy storage applications using atomic layer deposition (ALD). Supercapacitors are serving as the basis for the next energy systems and when compared to regular capacitors, have a higher energy density and capacity of storage due to the density of the surface area. Nanocapacitor structures have the potential to serve as the basis for the next-generation energy storage devices that make use of densely packed interfaces (multilayer/nanolaminates) and have the capability of delivering power to renewable energy sources. Nanostructured materials are becoming increasingly important due to properties such as high surface area and downscaling of technology (achieving densely packed structures from thin films).

Current research goal is to fabricate a nanolaminating structures within a high aspect ratio template that will enlarge the surface area and enhance the capacitance per unit area providing an energy storage solution. MIM (metal-insulator-metal) structures are fabricated within a high aspect ratio template using atomic layer deposition (ALD) of high k dielectrics. The nanolaminated structure will be used to improve the dielectric constant of the resultant element by adjusting layer thickness and uniformity of the thin films.


Latest Updates

April 18, 2019

Abdul passed his ph. D. candidacy exam!!

Congratulations Abdul!! :)

March 30, 2019

Poonam received IEEE Magnetic society summer school award.

Summer school will be held from 2 to 7 June 2019, at the Virginia Commonwealth University, VA, USA. Bravo Poonam and Many congratulations!!

Feb 15, 2019

3D Printer Moving to IDR 215C

Thanks everyone who came out and help with the moving, we appreacite it.

March, 2019

Group Website is being updated.

Suggestions for layout/design are welcome!!.

March, 2018

Poonam won the best poster award for ICM2018!!

Congratulations Poonam!!

January, 2018

Press release on II-IV project.

Great work Guys!!